Outpatient Program

Many people suffering from an addiction issue find that they need help. For example, they may be struggling with alcoholism, unable to limit their intake appropriately, or fearful of a substance’s role in their lives.

What patients can expect from the outpatient program

By design, an outpatient program allows you to come to one of our world-class facilities, receive the therapy you need, and return to your home or office at the end of the day. You’ll never need to worry about living arrangements, boarding, or other amenities. Instead, our goal is to make sure that you get the therapy you need and then return to your life. Outpatient therapy is ideal for people looking to begin their treatment journey, who do not need 24/7 monitoring or are in the “maintenance” stage of their recovery.

Fortunately, outpatient therapy is ideal for many patients. Patients who enter any of our facilities to receive such treatment can expect access to treatment that is safe and secure and respects their privacy. We offer a variety of outpatient therapeutic programs, including:

  • One-on-one therapy with qualified and compassionate counselors who understand your issues and are trained to help you manage the ongoing stressors of a life in recovery.
  • Group therapy sessions with other individuals who, like you, may be struggling with some addiction issue.
  • Access to specialized treatment programs, including programs for veterans and faith-based programs.
  • Medicated-assisted treatment when appropriate, including for opioid dependence.

Who is it for?

Outpatient therapy can be very intensive and take as much as 10 hours a week. It can also be much more casual and simply involve visiting our facilities once or twice a week for regular therapy or a group therapy appointment. Ultimately, it is between a patient, doctor, and family to decide if inpatient or outpatient therapy is more appropriate for them. However, outpatient therapy works best for someone who can still function in the real world and does not require constant monitoring to ensure that they do not relapse. It can allow someone to continue to work or attend school while getting the help they need, thus minimizing the disruption to their life. It also allows someone to continue to rely on their existing social network while in therapy. This may not be appropriate for some individuals, such as those with particularly toxic social circles.

Ultimately, outpatient treatment isn’t for everyone. You, your loved ones, and your medical team must decide if outpatient or inpatient can serve you better.

What will you learn?

Individuals who use our Outpatient Program can expect to learn identical skills and lessons to those who attend our Inpatient Program. These include:

  • Therapeutic strategies that will enable them to identify the underlying issues that made them turn to illicit substances and develop their substance use disorder.
  • Coping mechanisms for everyday stressors that are more productive and less harmful than those that forced them to turn to alcohol.
  • How to create more productive and healthier social and family relationships, thus ensuring that the people around you are supportive of your efforts to recover.
  • How to ultimately be okay without using alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications as a coping mechanism.